Principle of electrolytic copper rectifier


The electrolytic copper rectifier is a device that uses electrolysis to convert alternating current into direct current. Its working principle is as follows:

  • Electrolytic cell: The electrolytic copper rectifier usually consists of an electrolytic cell, which contains an electrolyte, usually a copper salt solution. The electrolytic cell usually consists of two electrodes (cathode and anode) and a power supply.
  • Electrolytic process: When alternating current is input into the rectifier, the power supply causes the copper salt ions in the electrolytic cell to release electrons at the anode to generate pure copper. At the same time, at the cathode, the electrolytic cell absorbs electrons and is reduced to copper ions.
  • Rectification effect: Through this electrolytic process, the rectifier actually separates the positive and negative cycles of the alternating current, so that the positive cycle flows out through the anode, and the negative cycle flows out through the cathode, thus forming a uniform direct current.
  • Output direct current: Finally, the rectifier will lead out this output direct current for use by electronic equipment.

In general, the electrolytic copper rectifier converts AC into DC using electrolysis, and achieves stable output DC by controlling the electrolysis process.

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